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Honorable Ek Nath Dhakal

Honorable Ek Nath Dhakal (Special Guest)
Two times Minister from the Government of Nepal
Chairman, International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace, Asia Pacific Region

Mr. Ek Nath Dhakal was born on August 13, 1974 in Bhimsen Thapa Rural Municipality, ward number 8, Borlang, Gorkha district of Nepal. He is a social and peace activist from Nepal. He graduated from Tribhuvan University, Major in Sociology and Anthropology. His public life started as an independent student leader and social activist carrying out humanitarian service projects. He is one of the comparative new figures in Nepalese politics.

He served twice as a Member of the Nepalese Constituent Assembly and Legislature Parliament from 2008 to 2017. He also served twice as Cabinet Minister for Peace and Reconstruction as well as Co-operatives and Poverty Alleviation of the Government of Nepal. Dhakal served on various parliamentary committees such as the Security Special Committee, International Relations and Human Rights Committee, Constitutional Committee and Public Accounts Committee during his two term tenure in the Parliament.

He is also the Convener of South Asia Peace Initiative (SAPI) and the Global Vice President of Sun Moon University, Korea. Hon. Dhakal serves as the Chairman of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) and the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Asia Pacific. UPF is dedicated to building a world of peace of freedom, harmony, cooperation, and prosperity with General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Dhakal was elected as President of the Nepal Pariwar Dal (Nepal Family Party) from its 3rd General Convention held on November 2-23, 2021 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The General Convention held with the theme of ‘Let us eliminate all sorts of discriminations: build a cultured, prosperous and inclusive Nepal’ has elected a 101-member central executive committee chaired by Dhakal.

As a global peace advocate, Dhakal travels throughout the world to promote Track II diplomacy for peace, tolerance and brotherhood. Dhakal addressed many prestigious world forums including the 64th General Assembly of the United Nations, Think Tank Global Forum, and many more Inter-governmental and civil society forums.
Recently, Hon. Dhakal also served as Special Global Envoy of the World Summit 2022 participated by heads of state and government among other 4500 eminent world leaders. For his notable work, Hon. Dhakal has received various national and international awards including Constitutional decoration from the President of Nepal, the Stockholm Peace Award and “Youth of the Year” award from JCI with gold medal in 2007, among others.